- Shiite
- сущ.тж. Shi'ite пол., рел. шиит, мусульманен-шиит (последователь шиизма в исламе)See:
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Shiite — Shi ite, Shiah Shi ah, n. [Ar. sh[=i] a[=i]a follower of the sect of Ali, fr. sh[=i] at, sh[=i] ah, a multitude following one another in pursuit of the same object, the sect of Ali, fr. sh[=a] a to follow.] A member of that branch of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shiite — [shē′īt΄] n. 〚Ar shīʿ a, followers, faction, sect < shāʿa, to spread, circulate〛 a member of one of the two great sects of Muslims: Shiites consider Ali, Mohammed s son in law and the fourth of the caliphs, as the first Imam and the rightful… … Universalium
Shiite — 1728, a member of the Shia sect of Islam, from Shiah (1626) from Arabic shi ah partisans, followers, sect, company, faction (from sha a to follow ) + ite, Latin derived suffix denoting follower. Follower of the branch of Islam that recognizes Ali … Etymology dictionary
Shiite — (also Shi ite) ► NOUN ▪ an adherent of the Shia branch of Islam. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to Shia. DERIVATIVES Shiism (also Shi ism) noun … English terms dictionary
Shiite — [shē′īt΄] n. [Ar shīʿ a, followers, faction, sect < shāʿa, to spread, circulate] a member of one of the two great sects of Muslims: Shiites consider Ali, Mohammed s son in law and the fourth of the caliphs, as the first Imam and the rightful… … English World dictionary
Shiite — UK [ˈʃiːaɪt] / US [ˈʃɪˌaɪt] noun [countable] Word forms Shiite : singular Shiite plural Shiites a Muslim who belongs to the Shia group within the religion of Islam Shiite Muslims … English dictionary
shiite — chiite [ ʃiit ] adj. et n. VAR. chi ite, shiite • 1765; schiite 1697; ar. chî´î, de chî´a « parti, bande » ♦ Relig. Relatif à la secte musulmane des partisans d Ali et de ses descendants (opposé à sunnite). Mouvement chiite. N. Les chiites. ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Shiite — n. member of the Shi a Islam, member of the Shiite branch of Islam (who belive that Ali, the cousin of Muhammad and his descendants are the true successors of Muhammad) adj. of or pertaining to the Shi a Islam; of or pertaining to the Shiite… … English contemporary dictionary
Shiite — noun Date: 1728 a Muslim of the Shia branch of Islam • Shiite adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Shiite — Staaten mit einem islamischen Bevölkerungsanteil von mehr als 10 % Grün: sunnitische Gebiete, Rot: schiitische Gebiete, Blau: Ibaditen (Oman) Die Schia (arabisch شيعة … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shiite — 1. adjective /ʃiːaɪt/ a) Of, or relating to Shiites or the Shia branch of Islam. b) Of, or relating the Shia branch of Islam. 2. noun /ʃiːaɪt/ A member of the Shia branch of Islam. Syn: Shiite Muslim … Wiktionary